building garden rooms throughout Yorkshire

Outdoor Garden Office

Horto Everyday Spaces Can Be Your Outdoor Garden Office

Working from home comes with many plus points – no commute, an extra hour in bed and if you rent office space an immediate saving – but one of the biggest drawbacks can be finding suitable space in your home to work from.

Hunched over the dining room table, the TV blaring in the background and the children running amok – it’s not exactly the most productive of environments.

Horto Everyday Spaces can provide you with an outdoor garden office – an extra room that can not only be used by those who work from home, but also as a place in which homework can be completed in peace. For those who need to cater for visiting clients, your fit for purpose working from home garden office space means you no longer need to worry about doubling up your house as an office.

Contact us for more information on how we can transform your outdoor living space into the perfect outdoor garden office.

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